Who can use the meeting rooms?
Meeting rooms may be used by local groups and organizations for educational, civic, and cultural purposes. Meeting rooms are open to all groups in the community regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of their members. The meeting rooms may be used when one individual tutors another in literacy skills.
To arrange a meeting
Contact the Administration Office at Bennett Martin Library (402-441-8503) to obtain information about the meeting rooms. Library-sponsored events have first priority for use of library facilities. Advance scheduling and approval by the library is required. Reservation requests must be approved by the library, the booking confirmed, and all fees paid before the group can use the meeting room. Bookings may be made up to six months in advance for non-profit groups and up to thirty days in advance for for-profit groups.
To cancel a meeting
Groups cancelling a meeting booking must report the cancellation to the Administration Office (402-441-8503 or lcl_admin@lincoln.ne.gov). The terms of use and reservation request agreed to by the group representative constitutes an agreement that a meeting will take place. If a meeting is cancelled, the library must be notified as soon as possible so the space is available to others. If the group has paid a fee, the fee is forfeited if the cancellation occurs five business days or less from the meeting date.
Beverages and snacks may be served by a group. Meals may not be served. Groups must provide their own coffee makers, cups, and any other equipment or supplies. Groups are expected to leave the room clean for the next users. Alcohol and smoking are not permitted in the library.
Library Furnishings and Equipment
All meeting rooms are supplied with chairs and tables. Setting up and taking down folding tables and stacking chairs is the responsibility of the group using the room. The meeting room must be left in good condition. The person who requests the room reservation is held responsible for damages or cleanup requiring custodial service. The library does not assume responsibility for damaged, lost or stolen property of users of the meeting rooms. Library equipment must be reserved in advance. The group must provide supplies such as marker pens, flip chart paper, etc. WiFi access is generally available but cannot be guaranteed.
Equipment Storage
Storage is not provided for equipment owned by groups using the meeting rooms. Groups using their own equipment must remove that equipment after each meeting.